Introduction to Nuclear-Powered Submarines

The course provides a high-level understanding of nuclear energy and safety principles and is suitable for anyone who will potentially be involved in or impacted by the acquisition, operation and future sustainment of nuclear submarines in Australia.

At the end of the course you should be able to:

  1. The effects of radiation
  2. How nuclear energy is harnessed to power nuclear submarines
  3. The hazards, risks and risk management of nuclear-powered submarines
  4. Nuclear safety principles and the regulation of nuclear power plant and infrastructure
  5. The basics of building and maintaining the case for safety of nuclear plant and infrastructure
  6. The nuclear lifecycle

Who is this for?

Individuals and organisations who require a basic understanding of nuclear energy, how it is used to power submarines, and broader considerations for Australia including the management of nuclear safety and regulation.

What prior study is recommended?


How is it delivered?
