HAZOP study / PHA

HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability) or PHA (Process Hazard Analysis) studies are a structured and systematic examination of a product, process, procedure or system in order to identify hazards and operability issues. The method systematically examines how each part of the ‘design’ will respond to deviations in key parameters by using suitable guidewords.

Originally developed to analyse chemical process systems, HAZOP is very commonly used today throughout the process industries and is synonymous with PHA in North America (Process Hazard Analysis). It has also been extended to other types of systems and complex operations, including mechanical and electronic systems, procedures and software systems, and even to organisational changes and to legal contract design and review.

Risktec consultants are world leaders in the application of HAZOP / PHA studies and our services include:

Our experience ranges from small, single node HAZOP / PHA studies through to complex, comprehensive HAZOPs / PHAsfor entire facilities.  We have a large number of experienced and client approved HAZOP / PHA and LOPA chairs/facilitators and highly proficient scribes/technical secretaries.

“Our in-depth knowledge of plant processes means we deliver effective and efficient HAZOP / PHA studies with relevant recommendations for reducing risk.”